In order for the Metro Tram works to go ahead, 1300m of 22 inch water main had to be re-routed/ Upgraded allowing for the new connections and the future proofing for further development.
ClientSouth Staffs WaterServicesStreet Works ManagementYear2020
Engaging with all stakeholders, including Dudley Zoo to ease inconvenience and maintain traffic flows on the busy A459. Our design team ensured all plans where clear and accurate as this involved removing central reservations on the dual carriageway in order to achieve a contra-flow and allow commuters to travel to and from Birmingham with the minimum of disruption, the use of VMS and clear bespoke signage from our own sign shop meant we could alter the signs as and when necessary.
With a scheme of works this large and in a sensitive area for all road users, disruption was inevitable but with constant liaison and a close working relationship with the Local Authority, the scheme was completed as scheduled and with the budget in mind.